Questions? Contact Zach Czarnecki at
(719) 754-3594, ext. 12 or
Questions? Contact Zach Czarnecki at
(719) 754-3496 ext. 12 or
In fact, there is an entire line of fresh market, CSU bred potatoes that are virtually unknown to farmers markets, CSAs, produce stands, restaurants and other direct to consumer markets. Now you can get this regionally adapted potato “seed” from CSU for direct-to-consumer sales and home gardener use!
A bi-color skin potato with yellow flesh, “the most flavorful potato on the market”
Purple skin with yellow flesh, this potato looks great in a medley blend or roasted as a side next to your favorite dish.
Purple skin and dark purple flesh lowers blood pressure, is high in antioxidants, and could reduce the risk of cancer.
Red skin with dark red flesh retains its color during cooking and has added health benefits with high levels of antioxidants.
Purple skin and yellow flesh with early maturity and is resistant to internal and external grade defects.
White skin and yellow flesh has high yield potential and small tuber size profile perfect for roasting.
All our seed potatoes have been inspected and fully certified by the Colorado Potato Certification Service, so you can expect the highest quality seed potatoes.
When planted in rows 36” apart and 12” between plants in row, 10 lbs will seed plant 80–100 feet, 110 lbs will plant 1,000 feet, and 1,600 lbs will plant an acre.
To order, please email Zach Czarnecki at with your request as pounds of each variety requested. He will confirm availability and reply with an invoice number and payment link.
CSU cultural information can be found in these publications:
All potatoes are shipped in 10 lb, 25 lb, or 50 lbs units via UPS. Call Zach Czarnecki at (719) 754-3594 ext.12 for larger bulk ordering options. We cannot give an exact quote for shipping costs until we know the address and quantity of potatoes that need shipped as it varies by distance and weight.
If you would like to pick up your seed potatoes, you can do so free of charge. The address for pickup is:
San Luis Valley Research Center
0249 E Road 9 N
Center, CO 81125
For those interested in growing numbered line selections, please note, you cannot resell numbered lines of seed potatoes as seed potatoes without express written permission from CSU.
*Potato yield is calculated in 100 lb per acre (cwt/a). Yields over 400 cwt/a are considered high, 300-400 cwt/a medium and less than 300 cwt/a low.